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UK-Based Nigerian Doctor Loses Licence for Sexual Misconduct

A Nigerian cosmetic doctor, Oluwafemi Tijion Esho, who is based in the United Kingdom (UK), has had his medical licence revoked for engaging in sexual misconduct with a patient. Esho was found to have solicited sex from a female patient in exchange for a Botox injection.

Despite being a well-known TV cosmetic doctor, Esho admitted to an inappropriate emotional relationship with the woman, involving exchanging sexually suggestive messages on Instagram. While he claimed there was no physical sexual contact with the patient, who works as an OnlyFans model, an MPTS panel in Manchester determined that Esho did engage in sexual intercourse with her at his clinic in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2021 and provided free Botox treatments.

The tribunal concluded that Esho had made inappropriate offers to the patient, suggesting that he could provide Botox in return for sexual favors. Although the panel did not consider the patient to be vulnerable due to her profession, they found that Esho’s actions were sexually motivated, leading to a ruling that his fitness to practice was compromised. Consequently, the tribunal decided to strike Esho’s name from the medical register.

Esho, who is the founder of the Esho Clinic with branches in London, Liverpool, and Dubai, catering to a clientele that includes celebrities, has faced severe professional consequences for his misconduct.